Sunday, January 1, 2012

Launch of Operation Penguin

I'd thought long and hard about even asking. The idea had been bubbling around in my brain for a while but when I went home in February for Susan's wedding, I knew I wanted to go home after my posting in the Netherlands...but maybe not right away.

I'm 36, single, no kids, a good saver with a case of wanderlust. Why not reacquaint myself with my backpack and go travel for 6 months (or so) before starting my new job and 'nesting' back home?! I've only ever really done a couple of weeks here and a long weekend there. In 2002 I had a stretch of 3 months travelling in one go. I think six months should be enough for me to enjoy a concentrated block of time to just 'go'. Heaven knows I've worked harder than I think I ever have these last four years and how perfect is it to take break like this having a job all lined up to come back to?!

So, it went something like this:

May 3: news that the Upstream Americas Workflow Consultant job would be re-posted in the June round of MOR

May 4: realization that that job would be a good one to apply for to get back to Canada but it was too early to apply

May 23: encouragement from a colleague for me to apply for it even though my window wasn't open until the October round of jobs...even after I told him about my plans for a leave

May 24: conversation with my potential-new-boss about my application where he suggested I apply although the 6 month leave request was a bit of a surprise (to state the obvious).  What's the worst that could happen...they could always say no but then I'd be no worse off than if I'd never applied

May 25: CV clean up

May 26: job application submitted with the condition to start it on July 1st, 2012! I remember thinking "what if they say yes?!"

May 27: hopped on an airplane to India for a work trip

May 30: logged in to check on the number of job! That bode well...obviously I was the most qualified applicant! ;o)

June 28: phone call with Houston. Intial "no" to my placement in that job despite their interest in having me in that role.  We needed to refine what this might really look like.  Option to offer me a job outside of the regular job rounds if we came up with some arrangement that worked for both parties.

August 12: prior to holidays, sent Houston a note asking about progress of discussing this 'arrangement'.

August 30: back from holidays, no e-mail from Houston. Uh oh.

September 5: workshop in Houston - mention to my colleague that I guess the job fell through and that I have to apply in the October MOR after all

September 6: Dinner booked for the next night with potential-new-boss and colleague to ''discuss".

September 7: expecting to go in to dinner and negotiate my leave, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that they had agreed to let me start on July 1st and that HR would be contacting me with a handshake in the next few days...celebratory bottle of Chilean red wine consumed more delicious that ever

HOLY CRAP...THEY SAID YES! Cue the's time for the happy dance!

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