One last nutella-fest for breakfast. Deeee-lish! Then I left my bags in Mom’s room and we took off for our last morning in town before I had to head off for my afternoon flight back to Amsterdam.
The Pantheon was closed when we were by a few nights before but it is open in the daytime. It’s beautiful. As with most of these landmarks though, it’s tough to get the perfect photo so I mostly just made ‘mental-photographs’ and sat back and took it all in.
We then wandered back over to Piazza de Navona for lunch. I learned a new lesson about eating in touristy places! So imagine you use a pizza or a bowl of minestrone as your price gauge for how expensive a restaurant is. You can determine which restaurants are over charging for the same thing fairly easily as you go from restaurant to restaurant. Never did I think to check the price of a Cola Light! I thought the waiter had made a mistake when our bill arrived after an admittedly delicious lunch. 16Euros 50 cents for drinks? But we just had 3 Cola Lights. Yep – 5.50 each! Holy crap! We got taken. Well – now I’m wiser in that respect and will keep an eye out to include drinks in my gauge-system from now on.
A few last shops to visit on the last walk back to the hotel before heading back to the train station. I bought myself a little purse intended to replace the M.E.C. purse I bought for $15 in 2001 for my Peru trip. Somehow I always come back to that one but here’s hoping my ‘Italian leather purse’ can class me up a bit!
Walking to the train station to leave for the airport was tough on me. I felt like I did when I’d come home for weekends during university at Sunday dinner knowing that I’d have to hit the road shortly and leave back to Edmonton. I didn’t want to say goodbye to Mom and Kari. Family is a big missing part of my life this year and it’s been a tough year. I won’t be home at Christmas this year either but back for Susan’s wedding in March. I was sorry that the weekend was over so fast but am glad for the 4 days we all had together.