Monday, August 2, 2010


Day 1 of classes is over at Accent Francais here in Montpellier. I am glad I’ve signed up for this. My thoughts wander back and forth between wishing I’d signed up for longer and thinking that five days will be just right.
My class is made up of 9 people, 8 of whom are fairly quiet! They are a mix of people from Russia, Poland, China, Palestine and Germany. They are a mix of levels. They are a mix of ages. It’s really interesting finding out how they heard about Accent Francais, how long they are staying for and why they are studying French.

Today was a short day of classes, 10h-13h15. Nicole and I were starving by this point and not knowing the city any better, ended up sitting at a cafe that was only so-so to stave off the “hangries”™(!). Later on in the day we got a tour of the city as part of the welcome package put on by the school. Prior to the tour, neither of us were convinced that the city had much to offer. Fortunately, about half an hour in to the tour and a few zigs and zags later, we found several lovely little areas in the heart of the historical part of town. We’re both looking for ‘gezellig’ and some of the smaller squares really do have a cozy feel. It seems that we are both aligned on our ‘gezellig’ rating scale!

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