Sunday, April 22, 2012

Change of plans.

Change of plans today. It's Sunday. There are no buses to Salto today. Oh.

Part of me was still too groggy from a predictably sleepless night to want to deal with that news. Still, I got myself sorted at a hotel in Concordia by 9AM. I was so pleased to get to shower and have a little nap that I didn't mind too much that they were overcharging me!

With a little sleep, some coffee and a tostada (my usual), I was easily able to see the benefits in the change of plans. Forced chill time! The town is pretty much shut down so there really wasn't much to do.

I spent a good hour and a half working on writing out my verbs. Revision is going to be key in getting these into my brain but I enjoy the challenge...or at least I will until it's time to consider the subjunctive!

It was nice to get out of the concrete grid and find the Costanera. It's a recreational area along Rio Uruguay with parks, boardwalks, beaches and of water stations for maté!!!

I wandered quite happily. There was Uruguay teasing me on the other side - so close but so far. There were families out with dogs, strollers, kids on bikes and naturally plenty of PDA's from young couples in love! Oh those Argentinians!

It's obvious that Sundays are important in the culture here. They're family days. I wondered about what my routine will become when I settle back into my life in Calgary. Given that I've been away from my family for over four years, it seems like a decent priority.

Plaza 25 de Mayo near dusk. Every bench was filled with people drinking mate. It's amazing. I noticed they drink it more in the smaller towns than they do in Buenos Aires.

And the view from my room at night:

Eureka moment: All day while walking around town and having lunch and dinner solo I couldn't help but feel eyes on me. Mostly in a curious sense but the feeling was there nonetheless. I've only just clued in that there are no other gringos around. It's just me. Oh the questions they must have for me!

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