A blog? Who has time to blog?! Who puts their life out there? Who on earth goes and reads them?
I've deliberated about starting a blog for a while now. It's not like I have incredible words of wisdom for the world, but rather I want this to serve as my travel journal and keepsake for years to come. I'm in a very fortunate position and an interesting point in my life and would like to have some of my experiences captured somewhere that I can find years down the road.
I'm living in the Netherlands on an overseas posting as an expat. I have no spouse, I have no kids, I have no pets. So until I get those things I know I want, I am keeping busy. And how! Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to cram a lifetime into my first 40 years! This generally involves hopping on airplanes, trains or my bike and going here, there and everywhere. I am leading as full of a life as I can manage while putting in my hours to get my monthly 'sponsorship' and still trying to get in some downtime to do laundry!
So this is ultimately for me but you are more than welcome to follow along. I want this to serve as a way to say 'Wow...I really did that?'. I want this to provide those memory jogs to relive some of the more crazy adventures when I'm stuck at a point where every day feels like a dreary, grey Groundhog Day. I've written journals before but I can type a heck of a lot faster than I can write and well - why not give this a go? If I look at it as another adventure then that's all the convincing I need.
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