Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Carmen from Wanderlust Travel met me in the lobby of Hotel Babel at 9AM for my airport transfer. I have to say the tour package I signed up for is proving to be quite nice! They're taking good care of me and limiting the amount I need to think. It's nice to be taken care of from time to time.

It's a three and a half hour flight to Ushuaia from Buenos Aires. I had hoped to sleep on the plane but no such luck. Maybe I was too excited to arrive in Ushuaia, the world's most southerly city?

When I went to New Zealand in 2002, I made it as far south as I could there, to 45' south. It's amazing to think that I'm now at 54.5 degrees and in a few days will be even MORE south!

I arrived at the 'end of the world' and instantly had to accept that summer's over for a while! Brrrr! Out came the long johns, fleece and my ever faithful toque (how I do love that word!). I felt like hibernating but forced myself out for a walk along San Martin, the main shopping strip in town.

I got my bearings and made plans for the next day. I was going to stay at the posh hotel one more night and go on a tour into the Tierra del Fuego national park. I was eager to get out and do some hiking.

I had to think hard about how long I had here before the cruise started. It worked out to three full and two half days here. There were times throughout the day, particularly when I felt the cold, that I wished I was back in Buenos Aires tango dancing. Why had I booked my flight on the 21st and not the 23rd?!

As I had dinner on the fourth floor of my hotel, I looked out at the view of the harbour at sunset.

There were ships at the docks, a vast expanse of chilly waters leading to the Atlantic to the left and the Pacific to the right, and snow-capped mountains in the distance. It was then that it really hit me and I had a heightened awareness of how far away from home I am and what a truly special place I am in!

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