Monday, April 2, 2012


I have homework! Oh man! I sure don't miss that about school but I suppose it will force me to learn faster. So will having 4 hours of class today as the only student. One other guy was supposed to join but didn't show up. Private lessons are great for clarifying questions and really getting the most out of the class...but it also means no sleeping or downtime. Maybe this Rafael character will show up tomorrow?

In any case, this second week of classes is off to a great start. I finally covered the past tense...or rather one of four past tenses and only with regular verbs. My new family is wonderful. Beatriz and Luis are lovely and it's so obvious that they really enjoy having people in their home. They are eager to chat with Sara, my 'Mendoza sister', and me in Spanish and a bit of English. This is the way to really learn the language and about the people. I highly recommend it to anyone!

Here's a shot Sara took of Beatriz helping me with my homework:

After class today Sara and I went on a walking tour of the city with a Danish couple. This city has an interesting history with its proximity to the Andes, earthquakes, harsh climate and the classic tale of the indigenous vs. the conquistadors.

We were both exhausted by the time we got home. Our brains were full of Spanish words and then it was time to do homework. I wonder which day this week will mark the beginning of dreams in spanish-gibberish!

PS. Happy birthday to my baby sister, Susan!

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