Often days with Guille start out with fuzzy plans, several ideas and a few suggestions of things we'd like to do. What we really end up doing is often unforeseen at the start of the day. That's the joy of going where the wind blows us!
Today was one of those days that felt very improvised and it turned out wonderfully. We hit a few of the key things on 'my list'. I have a little list of things I'd like to do now that I'm back in BA. Nothing HAS to be done and if something more fun or interesting comes up, great! If not, they're things I'd like to try to work in to my time here.
One of the things on the list was to check out the famously funky neighbourhood of Recoleta and see the cemetery where Eva PerĂ³n is buried. Another is to see a tango show.
Turns out we did both of those today. Surprise! When Guille called to ask about the tango show and whispered 'What night?' while on hold I said 'How about tonight?'. No thinking. No saving it for another day. 'Just do it'! Done.
As we wandered through Recoleta, post lunch at a funky restaurant and a necessary shoe purchase for the evening's outing, we realized we'd reached the square with the cemetery and went in. Unplanned. We just did it. Fabulous. And it was interesting...
...and spooky. There are many famous Argentinians and their families in there. Some mausoleums are in better shape than others.
It was also a bit unnerving seeing all of the coffins inside.
Some neighboring apartments must have quite the view at night!
The tango show was in the famous 'Los Angelitos' cafe, a city landmark which opened its doors in 1890. We opted for the dinner and show since the menu looked so delicious. It did not disappoint, nor did the hour and a half show with glitzy costumes, beautiful people and intimate, intricate dances. I'm really pleased we went and have been inspired for tomorrow's planned outing to La Viruta for more tango.
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