Sunday, April 29, 2012

The country-mouse in the big city

Well, it happened before when I came back to BA after being in the peace and quiet of nature. The shock to the system being in a city with 14 million people and concrete everywhere is proving tough to deal with. To make matters worse today is a cold day and I went shopping...along with everyone else. Oops!

I needed warm clothes. I foolishly sent most of my warm clothes back to Calgary with Guille. I amaze myself at my optimism at times. It was 40'C when I landed in January. Today's high is 13'C and I need a toque and mitts.

In any case malls packed with people is never a good thing for me. I lose it when people stop at the end of escalators. I get frustrated when people walk ten abreast. It annoys me when people wander, change directions and stop. And the icing on the cake today is that apparently my size of jeans is the 'largest we carry'. Ouch! And seriously...what IS the deal with skinny jeans?

In any case, it seemed that I wasn't fit for an unsupervised public outing so I took myself home out of harm's way before anyone got hurt. To be fair, it's not Buenos Aires, it just big cities in general. I'm so much more of a "country mouse".

I ended up having a lovely evening with Guille and Sergio. We ordered empanadas and had them delivered to the apartment. Perfect. There were so many flavours to choose from and my initial concern about knowing which was which was apparently not an issue!

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